How Well Do You Know Your Vendors?
Relationship building is one of the most fundamental ways to develop your business. Building relationships with your vendors and those around you can potentially attract new customers and/or clients while increasing awareness of your company’s branding. The people with whom you work directly on your products and services are the ones who will benefit the […]
Turn Prospects into Customers Overnight!
Today, we will explore how to turn prospects into customers and retain them for future marketing purposes. While your marketing efforts are working to identify prospects, you need to figure out how to turn those prospects into customers. There are key ways to draw prospects in and seal the deal. You need to be: Inviting; […]
Educate Your Customers
Educate them about what, you may be thinking. Well, consider this, many businesses focus solely on attracting new customers, but you NEED to spend a good chunk of your time retaining current and former customers. These are people you already know to be a good sales potential…they’ve already bought from you! Take the time to […]